Interpersonal communication class II a narcotics prison officers Kasongan Katingan Regency Central Kalimantan in changing the behavior of prisoners

Affan Anwari Anwari, Muhammad Najih Farihanto, Uspal Jandevi


Kasongan Class II A Narcotics Prison is located on Jalan Cilik Riwut Km. 10 Kasongan, within the jurisdiction of Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. It was established in 2013 with the nomenclature of Kasongan Class III Narcotics Prison and in 2019 changed to Class II A Narcotics Prison due to Echelon changes. Based on data from residents assisted by Kasongan Class II A Narcotics Prison in the last five years, there has been an increase in the number of cases, and this problem narrowed to the basis of the urgency of research.

In this study, the method used was qualitative descriptive. This method focuses on data found based on facts in the field such as objects, social rules, or phenomena outlined in narrative writing. The preparation of qualitative research contains realities raised based on the results of field data that strengthen support for what is attached to the report.

Based on the results of this repressive action research carried out well, which was based on changes in the behavior of fostered citizens for the better (positive), and gaining new skills (personality & independence) based on indicators of interpersonal communication effectiveness initiated by DeVito, these changes are useful for competitiveness and usefulness before returning to society.

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