West Papua Province political communication strategy in implementing 2020 regional head elections

Ikhwanul Muslimin Abdullah, Nur Sofyan


Implementing Pilkada (Regional Head Elections) in 2020 for the history of the Indonesian state is the most challenging Pilkada because the 2020 Democratic party coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic that hit the whole world. The uncertainty in guaranteeing democracy is enormous, especially in achieving the target of political participation. The West Papua KPU (General Election Commission) in organizing the 2020 Pilkada has succeeded in obtaining or reaching the level of implementation of the Pilkada with 79.15% participation. This fact is a significant asset that the threat to democracy during the Covid pandemic can be handled wisely by the West Papua KPU as an opportunity for democracy in general elections. The purpose of this study is to describe the political communication strategy of the KPU for West Papua Province during the 2020 Pilkada. The method used in this study is to use a qualitative case study. The results of the study show that the West Papua Province KPU carries out a communication strategy during the 2020 local elections, namely by maintaining character by adhering to credibility during the general election process, strengthening institutions by outreach to stakeholders regarding the regional elections, and outreach to the community regarding education choose. Creating togetherness with local community configurations within the KPU, creating persuasive messages with online media, creating public service advertisements with local content, building consensus by inviting traditional leaders involved in conflicts and holding regional head elections based on laws and regulations, and disclosing information related to general elections to the public.



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26555/adiccom.v1i1.13139


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