Persuasive communication strategy of Singkawang City department of population and civil registration in increasing public awareness in submission of applications for death certainly

Tiara Amalia Putri, Muhammad Najih Farihanto


Persuasive communication is a communication style designed to influence the communicator, from the communicator to the communicator's beliefs, attitudes, or behavior. In other words, to be persuasive, communication must involve a conscious effort by a person to change the behavior of another person. Communication will have an effect if the communicator carries out what the communicator wants so that it can influence their behavior or actions about something.

Deaths must be reported to Disdukcapil by the village and sub-district government. Disdukcapil will therefore issue death certificates, which are used to verify population data so that those who have died will not be entered into the population database; this can also be used for insurance or banking claims, taspen, and others due to the lack of public awareness of the importance of death certificates for each family once who postponed processing the application for a death certificate.

This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method with data collection techniques carried out by interviews, observation, and documentation. The aim is to find out the strategy of the Department of Population and Civil Registration to increase public awareness in submitting applications for death certificates.

This research hopes that with the strategy that will be carried out by researchers, the community will have a high awareness of the importance of submitting a death certificate application so that they immediately make a death certificate, and there will be no more problems in taking care of heirs and so on.

Keywords: Death Certificate, Communication Strategy, Persuasive Communication, Public Awareness, Population, and Civil Registration Service.

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