Narrative analysis of racism in the Film Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)

Pasca Adha Pratama, Fitrinanda An Nur


Film is a means of conveying information that is easily and quickly accepted by the public. The film Avatar - The Way of Water (2022) examines the problem of racism, the problem of racism is very closely related to real world social problems. In this study the main problem is that the Na'vi tribe gets unfair treatment by the sky people, this injustice is in the form of racial discrimination carried out by the sky people, besides that, the theme of racism in the film has a big impact on the way people perceive and react to racism in real life. The purpose of this research is to explore how the narrative of racism is presented in Avatar - The Way of Water (2022). The method used in this research is Tsvetan Todorov's narrative technique. The research results obtained by the film researchers are in line. In this film, events occur sequentially and sequentially, Tzvetan Todorov's narrative analysis has three stages, namely the initial situation where it starts from the beauty of a Pandora that lives safely and peacefully, then the middle situation there is chaos caused by the sky people and succeeded in being defeated by the Na people. Na'vi, the last situation is the end of efforts for repair and restoration, the struggle of the Na'vi to get a calm and peace.

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