Persuasive communication model of KPU DIY in increasing voter participation in the 2024 simultaneous elections

Irfan Efendi


Indonesia is a democratic country where sovereignty is in the hands of the people and elected through general elections. In elections, citizens who have the right to vote, channel their votes. The use of voting rights by citizens is a very important thing because it determines the victory of candidates in both executive and legislative elections. elections are held by the General Election Commission (KPU), KPU has the duty and authority as the organiser or presenter of general elections. The purpose of this research is to find out the DIY KPU's persuasive communication model in increasing voter participation in the 2024 simultaneous elections. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study show that the persuasive communication strategies carried out by the DIY KPU in increasing voter participation in the 2024 simultaneous elections include: Working together in preparing for the 2024 general election, continuous technical guidance and training to improve performance in the 2024 election, inviting the younger generation to participate in the election by socialising in the community and campus environment, utilising social media to invite people to use their voting rights in the 2024 election.

The results of this study show that the role of the General Election Commission in increasing voter participation in the 2024 elections in the province of Yogyakarta Special Region, the DIY KPU has conducted interactional socialisation (carried out in programs involving elements of society, and community organisations with the aim of providing education about the 2024 elections). Information dissemination is also through social media and public information such as public service advertisements broadcast through television, radio and print media.

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