Marketing Communication Strategy of Duta Minang Restaurant in Communicating Minang Culture in Yogyakarta

Iqbhal Hasballah, Iman Sumarlan


Rumah Makan Duta Minang is one of the restaurants that is identical to the taste of typical Minang cuisine which has been established since 1987 in Yogyakarta which currently has 10 branches in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province and DIY. In the midst of very fierce competition in the culinary business, an appropriate marketing communication strategy is needed to maintain and increase the company's competitiveness. This study aims to find out the marketing communication strategy used by Rumah Makan Duta Minang in communicating Minang culture in Yogyakarta. The research uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The data sources consist of marketing managers, employees and customers of Rumah Makan Duta Minang as well as company documents. Data analysis techniques use data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawn. The results of the study show that the marketing communication strategy used by Rumah Makan Duta Minang includes personal sales communication with friendly and polite service as well as serving menus directly to the table, advertisements through social media, brochures and banners as well as promotions through discounted prices and gifts. The Duta Minang Restaurant also communicates Minang culture through Minang-themed decorations, the presentation of typical menus, the appearance of officer costumes and Minang musical entertainment. This strategy has proven to be effective in maintaining customer loyalty and introducing Minang culture in Yogyakarta.

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