Analysis of female audiences’ reception of marriage conflict in the film Hati Suhita

Nurul Ramadanisa, Iman Sumarlan


This study explores the reception of marriage conflict as depicted in the Indonesian film "Hati Suhita" among female audiences’. Utilizing Stuart Hall’s Reception Theory, the analysis delves into how cultural, religious, socio-economic, and personal factors shape women’s interpretations and responses to the film. "Hati Suhita" portrays traditional values of patience, endurance, and family honor within the context of marriage, resonating deeply with women from conservative backgrounds. However, it also evokes critical responses from more progressive viewers who advocate for narratives promoting gender equality and mutual respect. The study finds that women’s interpretations are significantly influenced by their cultural and religious backgrounds, with many Muslim women appreciating the film’s alignment with Islamic teachings on marital perseverance. Socio-economic status and educational background also play crucial roles; women with higher education levels and socio-economic standing are more likely to engage in critical readings of the film, challenging traditional gender roles and advocating for more equitable relationships. The advent of digital media has further transformed audience engagement, allowing women to actively interpret, critique, and discuss media content within their social networks. An intersectional approach reveals that experiences vary significantly based on ethnicity, age, and regional background, highlighting the diverse perspectives within the female audience. The study underscores the need for media representations that reflect evolving societal values and foster inclusive and empowering narratives. By understanding these reception dynamics, filmmakers can create content that not only entertains but also engages and empowers diverse female audiences, contributing to broader social change.

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