Intermediality: Audience Reception of “Gadis Kretek”

Diva Alayna Suwito, Ade Putranto Prasetyo Wijiharto Tunggali


Gadis Kretek is a historical fiction novel by Ratih Kumala that has been adapted into a Netflix series directed by Kamila Andini and Ifa Isfansyah. Both works with two media often cause debate because they are considered less able to meet the expectations of the audience, especially those who read the source work. This study aims to examine how audience perceive the intermediality of the novel and the Netflix series of Gadis Kretek. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type that will be analyzed using Stuart Hall’s reception theory which consists of three positions, namely Dominant Position, Negotiation Position, and Opposition Position. The results of this study show that the changes that occur in the novel and the Netflix series of Gadis Kretek can interfere with a person’s viewing experience, and the relationship between the two media affects each other.   

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