Ethical Dimensions of Advertising, Case Study on Outdoor Advertising of Legislative Candidates for the Electoral District of Yogyakarta in the 2024 General Election

Muhammad Arif Siddiq Amarullah, Ade Putranto Prasetyo Wijahrto Tunggali


The ethical dimension is related to the ethics of advertising or commercials aired in outdoor media often violate the rules. Case study of outdoor advertising the general election of legislative candidates in the province of D.I. Yogyakarta which was criticized by the Provincial Government of D.I. Yogyakarta with a violation of 3,282 campaign props. The perspective of the study is the ethical dimension by Kevin Johnston and Tanya Robertson, with qualitative research method descriptive interpretative analysis of advertising criticism. The evaluative findings of advertising art criticism in this study are the ethical morality of advertising campaign props by comparing with other products verbally is still considered reasonable but the advertising dimension is negative. In the case of outdoor advertising campaign props for legislative candidates containing elements of lying, stereotyping, racial and sexual should not be consumed by the wider community, especially novice voters.   

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