Sara Mills Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Stereotypes in Webtoon “I Wanna Be U”

Era Almelinda, Fitrinanda An Nur


Webtoon “I Wanna Be U” is a royal digital comic that will be released in 2020. In this webtoon found a gender stereotype that refers to a patriarchal culture, which is then becoming a research urgency. The aim of this research is to find out how Sara Mills' Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Stereotypes in the Webtoon "I Wanna Be U" works.This research uses the kind of qualitative research with the analysis of Sara Mills's critical discourse. This study uses media text analysis, as the research material in looking at the signs in the webtoon "I Wanna Be U". Based on the results of the research, some forms of gender stereotypes on this webtoon are caused by a patriarchal culture, which is dominated by a stereotype of a weak female figure.

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