Personal BrandingStrategy on the @putradjohan_aloke Instagram Account as a Portrait Photographer

Dhafin Izqi Adhie Alfauzan, Krisna Mulawarman


Putra Djohan is one of the professional photographers from Indonesia, who has many achievements, one of which is being trusted as Fujifilm's Global Brand Ambassador. His works have been uploaded on his Instagram account, @putradjohan_aloke. The emergence of Instagram as a social media platform today has been utilized to build personal branding based on expertise in a particular field, it promises to be an easy platform for portrait photographers, one of which is Putra Djohan. Putra Djohan has built personal branding through Instagram social media, with the right personal branding strategy, it will make a strong personal branding. This research aims to find out Putra Djohan's strategy through Instagram media @putradjohan_aloke in building his personal branding. This type of research uses qualitative case study research and the analysis uses 8 concepts of personal branding formation. The data used by researchers were obtained from in-depth interviews and documentation. The findings of this study indicate that there are several elements used in building a personal branding strategy that is consistent with the content on Instagram @putradjohan_aloke. This shows that Putra Djohan is unique in each of his works, Putra Djohan has an angle, a selection of color tones, and a dramatic impression and creates a comfortable atmosphere during the shooting session. With this, Putra Djohan has succeeded in forming his personal branding as a portrait photographer on his Instagram social media, which is different from other photographers, namely displaying photo work with European and American styles with the selection of soft color tones. The strength of his personal branding, which is consistent in uploading content and increasingly good photo work, has made his work worldwide.

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