Personal Branding Instagram @gibran_rakabuming in Advancing Solo City in 2023

Nasywa Fildza Nabila, Dwi Susanti, Annis Azhar Suryaningtyas


Personal branding is an important thing to build for a leader. Instagram is one of the most used social media by Indonesians after WhatsApp. There is a personal brand that can be seen by the public, namely through uploads, text, and also comments on social media accounts. One of the young Indonesian politicians who uses his Instagram to build personal branding is Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who is the former Mayor of Surakarta and the elected vice president in the 2024 presidential election. This study aims to determine the personal branding used by Gibran Rakabuming Raka through his personal Instagram social media account @gibran_rakabuming. The research method used is qualitative with a content analysis approach. The results of the study, Personal branding built by the @gibran_rakabuming account is the law of visibility or the law of appearance, there is 1 that is very visible from the 8 laws of Personal branding according to Peter Montoya.

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