Social Media Marketing @iLogic Phone in Building Brand Awareness Through Instagram & Tiktok

Aistifayah Lestita Sari, Iva Fikrani Deslia


The Instagram account @iLogic Phone is an example of an online and offline shop in Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan that uses Instagram and TikTok as a means of communicating with customers. This account shares photos and videos on cellphones or laptops. On Instagram and TikTok @iLogic Phone shares detailed information about its products. Instagram @iLogic Phone has 31,000 followers and TikTok has 897 followers. To build brand awareness on @iLogic Phone, use influencers in Pangkalan Bun to introduce products in the store. The approach used is qualitative. This approach focuses on data found based on actual situations. In this research, Social Media Marketing (SMM) theory is used, a sales strategy that uses the social media platforms Instagram and TikTok to increase revenue. Activities carried out by business people include posting interesting content and promoting via social media. Store @iLogic Phone is a store that is always busy with visitors daily.

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