Tourism Communication as a Marketing Strategy of the South Bangka Tourism Office in Increasing Visitors to Tanjung Kerasak Beach

Shella Anidhia Putri, Muhammad Najih Farihanto


Tourism has many benefits to society, including economic, social and cultural. Indonesia itself is a country that has a lot of very good tourism potential. Discussing tourism certainly cannot be separated from marketing. By doing the right marketing can have many positive impacts on the surrounding community. The researcher intends to examine what marketing strategies are used by the South Bangka Tourism Office in increasing visitors to Tanjung Kerasak Beach. The research method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The theory used by researchers is the theory of Burhan Bungin 2015: 87 describing the important components and elements of tourism, namely (1) marketing, (2) accessibility, (3) destination, (4) resources and institutions. These components and elements of tourism will continue to develop in proportion to the creativity of tourism stakeholders in a tourist destination.

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