Analysis Content Instagram @zomia_coworkingspace as a Marketing Communication Strategy

Abi Rahmadani, Iva Fikrani Deslia


Instagram has such a powerful attraction that a lot of people use it. Instagram succeeded in becoming an app of interest to many users. Instagram has become a strategic place for businessmen to market their products. In Indonesia, coffee shops, also known as coffeshops, use Instagram as a marketing communication strategy. The only coffee shop that uses marketing communication strategies using social media is Zomia Co-Working Space, with its Instagram account @zomia_coworkingspace. Based on the exposure provided above, the researchers were interested in analyzing the contents of the Instagram account @zomia_coworkingspace as a means of marketing communication. The researchers chose qualitative research methods because they wanted to explain how @zomia_coworkingspace's marketing communication strategy through the Instagram app promotes and markets its products. The research reveals that the @zomia_coworkingspace account markets its products by uploading or posting items like forms, photos, and videos, and by providing detailed descriptions of the products released in the caption column on the Instagram account of @zomia_coworkingspace. @zomia_coworkingspace tailors the price strategy of its products to appeal to Yogyakarta students, who are the primary target audience for the space. The location strategy of @zomia_coworkingspace is quite strategic; it is easy to find by visitors and has easy access to the road. The promotion strategy of @zomia_coworkingspace on her Instagram account involves hosting a giveaway in celebration of her second anniversary.

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