Followers Motives For Accessing The TikTok Account @hey.tessss

Salsya Novita Ramadhani, Suciati Suciati


The emergence of social media makes it easier for people to interact virtually, learn new things, and become a place to express themselves. One of them is the TikTok application. Now the TikTok application is also used as an educational medium which is useful for increasing new knowledge such as. A TikTok account called @hey.tessss managed by Evangelina Tessia Pricilla is the account with the most followers, namely 3 million followers, which provides educational and entertainment information about self-development and mental health. This research was conducted to reveal the motives of a follower's experience in accessing the TikTok account @hey.tessss. Researchers used qualitative research methods with in-depth interview data collection techniques by 10 informants. The technique of taking informants uses techniques purposive sampling.Data analysis uses interactive analysis, with data validity testing using source triangulation. The theory used in this research is Herbert Blumer's motive theory which consists of information motives, diversion motives, and personal identity motives. The research results showed that for the information motive, 7 out of 10 informants sought guidance or solutions based on problems they had experienced through presenting content on the @hey.tessss account. Regarding the diversion motive, the majority of informants felt entertained when watching vlog content and tips and tricks regarding psychoeducation which were packaged with various topics. Meanwhile, for personal identity motives, the majority of informants often provide reviews on video posts on the @hey.tessss account such as comments, likes and saves.

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