Alda Nur Mas’uda, Fu’adatul Maghfiroh, Hery Suprapto, Irma Yuliana, Azizah Azizah


Purpose: This study aims to understand the effect of social capital, member participation and service on the performance of the Indonesian Civil Servant Cooperative (KPRI) Sekar Madu Maduran Lamongan. In connection with this problem, the following hypothesis is proposed: it is suspected that social capital (X️) member participation (X️) and service (X️) partially and simultaneously affect the performance of cooperatives (Y) and it is suspected that the member participation variable (X️) has the most dominant effect on cooperative performance (Y). Methods: The sample in this study amounted to 130 people who are members of the KPRI Sekar Madu Maduran Lamongan. Analysis data: The data analysis method used to determine the effect of social capital (X️) member participation (X️) and service (X️) on cooperative performance (Y) is multiple linear regression and coefficient of determination, while to determine whether or not there is a significant effect partially or individually, namely the t test and simultaneously or together, namely the F test. Result and discussions: The results of multiple linear regression analysis obtained are Y = 0.034 + 0.247X️+0.576X️+0.116X️then the most dominant variable is member participation (X2) with beta 0.576. The results of the calculation of the partial t-test of Social Capital (X1) obtained a tcount value of 2.875 > ttable 1.978, then H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. Then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted by the service (X3), the value of the variable tcount is 2.176 > ttable 1.978. Then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. The results of the F test can be obtained that the Fcount value is 90,781 > Ftable 2.68 which indicates that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Conclusion: Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that overall the independent variables have a significant value in a positive direction


social capital; member participation; service; cooperative performance

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