Ignatius Soni Kurniawan, Hunik Sri Runing Sawitri


Purpose: This article examines the effect of perceived supervisor support on the job performance of lecturers at five private universities in the area of the Lembaga Layanan Perguruan Tinggi V with perceived organizational support as a mediator.

Methods: This research is quantitative research by testing the relationship between variables. The data collected by accidental sampling through online and offline surveys using a questionnaire instrument. Analysis data: The data was processed using multiple linear regression analysis and mediation testing using the method Baron & Kenny (1986).

Result and discussions: The findings prove that there is a full mediation effect of perceived organizational support on the influence of supervisor support on job performance.Conclusion:  Organizational leaders need to encourage the Head of the Study Program on these cases as a supervisor from lecturers to strengthen perceived supervisor support which will strengthen perceived organizational support and job performance. However, because the influence relationship is based on felt obligation, testing the presence of the reciprocal principle becomes an opportunity for future research


Perceived organizational support; perceived supervisor support; job performance

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