Riga Asa Wiwa


This study aims to determine the effect of work quality and work discipline on employee performance at Naavagreen Natural Skincare. The sample of this study was 30 people obtained fromlooking at the total population of 30 people, therefore all populations were used as research samples. Data from questionnaire research distributed through hard files were tested for validity using correlation and reliability using Cronbach Alpha. The data analysis technique used SPSS version 17 software. The results of this study indicate that simultaneously the two variables have no effect on employee performance with a significant value of 0.188 and the t-count (1.382) is smaller than the t-table (2.025). While the results of the partial test show that the work quality variable has no effect on employee performance with a significance value of (0.178) and the t-count value of 1.349 is smaller than the ttable (2.025) besides that the work discipline variable has no effect on employee performance with a significant value of 0.188.


Quality; Discipline; Performance Naavagreen Natural Skincare

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