Fransisca Desiana Pranatasari


The challenges of this post-pandemic era are still the concern of entrepreneurs. their ability to sustain their business is a matter of urgency. the performance of business organizations needs to achieve stability in order to be sustain. This research aims to determine the influence of proactiveness, risktaking and innovativeness on organizational business. Population of this study is population is all MSMEs in Indonesia, but we we determined the sample criteria to limit the scope of this study. Technique sampling is purposive sampling. The criterias are MSMEs that were established before the pandemic and have survived until now, have minimal one employee, and business domicile in Indonesia. Instrument measurement with validity and reliable test. We used classical assumption test, multiple regression analysis, and coefficient of determination.. Proactiveness had a influence of organizational business performance partially, risk-taking didn’t a influence of organizational business performance partially, innovativeness had a influence of organizational business performance partially. We suggest the business owners proactive in analyzing the situation that occurs and continue to explore the uniqueness according to consumer needs


Proactiveness; risk-taking; innovativeness; organizational business performance

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