Ignatius Soni Kurniawan, Suddin Lada, Nala Tri Kusuma, Umi Wahidah, Ratih Kusumawardani, Agaphe Christian Abinowo, Atik Hermawati, Pipit Susanti, Mahya Alya Afifah, Isbah Kul Kariyah


Purpose: The purpose of community service is to increase the motivation of members of the Karang Taruna Desa Karangsemut Bantul, especially those who go to college while working, so that they can successfully run both of them together. Methods: The method used is an informal training approach by conducting counseling. Broadly speaking, the trial conducted to the community is divided into 3 stages, namely the initial stage, the preparation stage, and the implementation stage. Result and discussions: Implementation of community service in Karang Taruna Desa Karangsemut through zoom which was divided into 2 sessions and was attended by 74 participants with discussions on lecture strategies while working and being aware of the negative impacts of studying while working. Conclusion: Implementation of educational and motivational webinar activities for the Karang Taruna Desa Karangsemut in the strategy of studying while working, conducted educational and motivational webinar activities for the Karang Taruna Desa Karangsemut to understand the impact of studying while working, and implementation of the participation Economics Faculty students in helping provide education to the youth of Karang Taruna Desa Karangsemut.


education; strategy; study; work

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