Eko Yulianto, Epsilandri Setyarini, Anita Primastiwi, Krisnita Candrawati, Bilqis Putri Azizah, Layline Rahmawati, Annisa Nur


This community service aims to improve understanding of corporate culture, occupational health and safety (OHS) for MSME employees and computerize financial reports for MSME management and owners. Community service activities carried out for two days using lecture and training methods are expected to improve employee performance and work safety and can add insight to the management and owner of CV Jaroe Design in planning computerized financial reports. The problem faced by CV Jaroe Design is that employees do not understand the company culture and aspects of occupational health and safety. On the other hand, the management of CV Jaroe Design still does not understand the direction and computerization of the company's financial statements. Implementing this community service activity results indicate an increased employee understanding of the company's work culture and OHS. The training participants showed enthusiasm during the training, both in the question and answer session. After the training, the management of CV Jaroe Design set a plan to computerize the company's financial statements.


organizational culture; occupational health and safety; financial report

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