Risal Rinofah, Suyanto Suyanto, Nur Anita Chandra Putry, Adia Adi Prabowo, Mayrisa Eka Putri, Nur Hasanah, Hani Alfiani


Purpose: The purpose of implementing community service activities is to increase awareness of taxation and financial preparation of MSMEs. Methods: This community service activity uses demonstration training and mentoring methods. The training is conducted offline and online using Zoom Meetings with training modules. Result and discussions: The problem found is that CV Jaroe Design still does not understand how to pay taxes through e-SPT, and the preparation of financial statements that have been made does not meet SAK EMKM. Conclusion: The results of the implementation of this community service activity indicate that there has been an increase in understanding of the procedures for paying taxes through e-SPT and the preparation of financial reports in accordance with SAK EMKM. Overall, this community service activity received a positive response and enthusiasm from CV Jaroe Design


Taxation; Financial Statements

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