Koperasi Pasar “Gemah Ripah” is a forum for economic activities that aims to promote the welfare of its members. This cooperative has a legal entity and is voluntary and does not bind its members. The members of the cooperative are traders and employees at the "GEMAH RIPAH" Fruit and Vegetable Market, which consists of 211 people. The types of businesses in this cooperative are entrance fees for vehicles, savings and loans, procurement of crates and waste management. In line with the development of information technology and changes in consumer spending patterns, it becomes a challenge for the Koperasi Pasar “Gemah Ripah”. The problems faced are: (1). limited ability and skills of cooperative members in the use of social media for product marketing. Traders market fruit and vegetables conventionally in their own shops or kiosks, (2). Inventory management is not good, so fruit and vegetables often accumulate in the warehouse and become unfit for sale. Solutions to deal with these problems are: (1). provide training to cooperative members in utilizing online media for fruit and vegetable marketing, and (2). Provide training for recording inventory in the warehouse. The method of activities implemented are: (1). Counseling and Training in the field of marketing and inventory management, (2). Monitoring and assistance. The results of this activity are: (1). merchants have used social media for online marketing, and (2). the traders have understood the management of which goods will be sold first and can anticipate if there is a buildup of goods.
mentoring program; digital marketing; inventory management
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