Alfiatul Maulida, Bernadetta Diansepti Maharani, Kakanita Ari, Puspitasari Puspitasari, Aulia Nurafina


Purpose: This research aims to determine improve z generation grade by investment. The improvement by investment will make z generation have more value based on skill, knowledge, and financial. By using that skill, z generation will easy to manage their own money. The end, it will decrease poorness in Indonesia. Methods: The method of impelementing this service activity was impelementing through the media of online via zoom and convey by lecturer, visualization, and discussion type and data collected. Result and discussions: all participants can understand the importance of investment for the generation of Z in the capital market and is easy. Measurement that it uses activeness of participant in discussion to know that this activity target accurate and give benefit for participant. Conclusion: the implementation of investment will make z generation have more value to increase their income and help to minimize poorness also unemployment.


Investment; Z Generation; Grade

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