Hadjija Dewi Aviva, Endang Sri Utami, Selvy Anggraeni Diana Putri, Nida Ankhofia, Lanatri Dhanirmala


Purpose: This community service aims to increase the knowledge and role of housewives in managing family finances for housewives in Dusun Ketulan, Candibinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta. A housewife who is able to manage family finances with all the limitations that exist, will be able to bring the family towards a more prosperous direction, Methods: The method used in this community service activity is in the form of counseling. The implementation of extension activities is carried out through two stages, namely the first stage of counseling, discussion and question and answer, and the second stage of evaluation. At the counseling stage, it includes two sessions with different themes in each session. After the counseling stage, it was continued by practicing family financial management. The evaluation stage is carried out by filling out questionnaires on indicators of the success of counseling activities by participants, Result and discussions: Activities at the counseling stage were carried out on Saturday, January 26, 2022 with 62 participants attending, while the evaluation stage was carried out on Saturday, February 26, 2022 by distributing questionnaires to activity participants. At the extension stage, the enthusiasm of the activity participants was shown by asking questions that showed high interest in the extension activities. At the evaluation stage, it showed that 93% of participants knew how to manage family finances and as many as 73% of participants carried out family management well after counseling activities, Conclusion: Based on the increasing number of indicators of the success of extension activities and seeing the enthusiasm of extension participants, the follow-up plan that can be done is to conduct counseling with the theme of empowering housewives to increase family income.


family finance; housewife

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