Nur Diana, Maslichah Maslichah, M Ridwan Basalamah, M Basjir, M Cholid Maward


Mojoranu Village, Sooko District, Mojokerto Regency is a village that is famous for its shoe and sandal industry center. In this village, the shoe and sandal industry center has developed rapidly and is one of the superior products for Mojokerto Regency. So far, the shoe and sandal industry business group in Mojoranu village still uses conventional and simple production methods and limited equipment. Less able to make business plans because the shoe and sandal industry group produce on an order basis with limited information. Besides that, in managing their business, they do not have a clear organizational structure because they do not understand management in the organization. The marketing pattern is simple and limited to the Mojokerto Regency area, and the product packaging is less attractive and innovative. Most funding patterns come from capital and lack of access to funds from banks or other financial institutions because they cannot compile financial reports as bank credit conditions. In addition, they are also unable to prepare tax reports. The purpose of community service activities at the shoe and sandal industry center in Mojoranu Village, Sooko District, Mojokerto Regency is to improve the knowledge and skills of the shoe and sandal industry business group in preparing business plans, business management, marketing strategies, business development, production processes, determining product costs. (cost accounting), preparation and external financial reporting and preparation of tax reports. The objectives to be achieved from this community service activity are the action research method (action plan) is used by conducting a series of socialization activities, counseling, lectures, training, and assistance to business groups in the shoe industry and sandals to improve their knowledge in business planning, business management, marketing, business development, determining the cost of production and selling prices, preparing financial reports and tax reporting. Before the action plan is carried out, a Rural Rapid Appraisal (RRA) approach is first carried out to explore the problems in the shoe and sandal business group


Fostering; Mojoranu Village; sooko District; Competitiveness

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