The impact of social media on the spread of hoax news in the community during the covid-19 pandemic

Reni Sasmita, Akhsani Sholihati Yasri, Yuike Silvira, Asyharinur Ayuning Putriana Pitaloka


Social media is a medium that is widely used in today's era. This media provides many benefits to its users such as getting closer, making communication easier, and many more benefits. Besides having many benefits, social media also has many disadvantages for its users, one of which is the spread of hoax news. The problem that has occurred recently is the spread of hoax news on social media related to the COVID-19 pandemic which has affected many people in Indonesia. The impact of spread of Hoax News has a huge impact on people's lives in the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic. With internet access to obtain information that is easy and fast, causing inaccurate information to spread quickly, and people also easily make news and write on social media with untrue news content, fake news in such a way as to attract people's reading interest. Lack of knowledge in the community and the factors causing finding out the truth of news make the spread of Hoax News happen very quickly. The method used in this study is the library research method, which is a research method that examines and analyzes articles, books, and journals related to the topic of the problem. The results of this study are that the impact of spreading hoax news in the community causes panic and even causes chaos in the community, for example, panic buying of basic needs and medical equipment such as masks, hand sanitizers to hoarding occurs which results in prices of necessities and medical equipment being out of control and soaring drastically. . In addition, the spread of hoax news on social media also causes racism and xenophobia in the community.


covid-19 pandemic; hoax news; social media

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