Life during the pandemic and the impact on society

Risalatun Nadhiroh, Latifatul Maula, Yasmin Nabila Afifah Rahman, Zana Pandya Pratisara


The Covid-19 pandemic that is happening is something that can’t longer be avoided. The effect is the most influential factor in all aspects of life in society. Start from an economic, social, political and defensive standpoint. Resilience resulting from the covid-19 pandemic presents challenges of internal and external resilience involving geographic, demographic, natural wealth, ideology, economics, political, social culture and security. From an economic standpoint, the pandemic has significantly affected the collapse of the established economic order. Based on a political standpoint, the pandemic has altered the fabric of the coalition across the country. And the social sector has been particularly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Communities should be able to adapt to new lifestyles that are thought to reduce the risk of exposure to viral vessels. The pandemic changed the way they interact and socialize with others. Furthermore, the high pressure exerted by the covid-19 effect also requires that humans be able to control themselves of all available pressures in order to help relieve the possible risks outside Covid-19. The study is conducted to learn and analyze how the current pandemic has affected global perspectives on social, humanitarian and resilience. The method used in the paper is a descriptive qualitative study method helped by review.


Covid-19; economy effect; life effect; political effect; social effect

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Copyright (c) 2022 Risalatun Nadhiroh, Latifatul Maula, Yasmin Nabila Afifah Rahman, Zana Pandya Pratisara

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