The relationship of parent communication pattern and children aged 4 to 5 years language skills in Yogyakarta

Ninda Rulinting, Intan Puspitasari


The preliminary data collected through interviews to parents in Yogyakarta showed that there were children who still had difficulties in using oral language and producing complex sentences, while 4 to 5 years-old children were supposed to be able to do them. Likewise, there were parents who applied one-way communication, so it hindered children to express their opinions and desires. This research was conducted using correlational quantitative research by collecting the data through survey using questionnaire. The populations of the research were (1) Parents who had 4 to 5-year-old children (2) Parents who stayed in Yogyakarta, and (3) Parents who worked at home or from home. In reference to Chocran formula in number of sample calculation, the number of samples was n = 135. The questionnaire was made in digital form on Google Form and was through WhatsApp Group. The research was carried out in Yogyakarta taking 135 respondents in 14 districts. The result of data calculation using SPSS program applying Product Moment technique for correlation test showed significance result of 0.515 on the significance level of α = 5% (α=0,05). Therefore, the correlation test in the research had a significant relation. That direction of relation between two variables was positive meant that every increase of scores in parents’ communication pattern would be followed by the increase of scores in children’s oral language ability. The open communication pattern applied by parents would help early children’s oral language ability, especially during Belajar Dari Rumah or Studying From Home period.


children aged 4 to 5 years; communication patterns; oral language skills

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