Career maturity among high school students in Bandung during Covid-19 pandemic

Titin Sutinah, Mamat Supriatna, Amin Budiamin, Bagus Julian Hikmy


Choosing and preparing for a career is part of the task of adolescent development that must be fulfilled. Career problems that are found in general during adolescence tend to lead to the determination of the type of education and the choice of the type of work in the future. Career maturity is a person's readiness in determining career choices. Adolescents with a high level of career maturity can determine the determination of career preferences well. This research was conducted to reveal how the career maturity picture of high school students in the city of Bandung. The study was conducted to implement a quantitative approach with a survey method. The research sample used was 165 high school students in class XI SMA Negeri 16 Bandung in the 2021/2022 academic year. The results of the study show that the career maturity of class XI students of SMAN 16 Bandung, in general, are at a fairly mature stage, meaning that they have an understanding and attitude that is at a moderate level about career maturity, which is characterized by achievements in cognitive and affective aspects that are not optimal.


career guidance; career maturity; youth

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