implementation of digital literacy for the advancement of education

Merry Maharani, Solehatun Anisa, Amelia Putri Darwiyani


The digital era has become a technology that is full of varioustechnological developments, especially in the world of education.Technological innovation and rapid technological advances in training haveprovided improvements and developments in acquiring knowledge about thelatest technology. However, between the many generations and networks ofthe internet, it offers the evil that flows within. Therefore, the scarcity ofdigital literacy in the use of the current generation and the lack of knowledgeof students' perspectives on training in the use of digital media as mediaknowledge has a tendency to be misunderstood, and abuse occurs.Therefore, the presence of digital literacy makes a technique to overcomethese problems. The reason for this research is to find out how theperspective of digital literacy training is used as a bridge to gain knowledge.This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The influence of thisview, mainly based entirely on the verses studied, the nation that the idea ofdigital literacy as a medium of acquiring knowledge in academic attitudesstrives earnestly to get a satisfactory and accurate effect, improving overallperformance. through the creation, and management of assets andutilization of the right generation without deviating. of the current rules.Given the training, the use of digital media as a means of obtaining mediaknowledge needs to be careful, we must realize the importance ofunderstanding the notes, the content of the information, and must be extracareful, and now it is no longer easy to agree with resets whose origins areunclear. So in creating, selecting or disseminating archives to gainknowledge of the process, it may be best to analyze them first.


digital literacy; education technology; information technology

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Copyright (c) 2022 Merry Merry Maharani, Sholehatun Anisa Anisa, Amelia Amel Putri Darwiyani

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International Conference on Education
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