English education students’ perception on news anchoring subject: A case study in Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Patria Handung Jaya, Yashinta Farahsani, Ika Puspita Rini


Some people think that studying in the English Education Department only opens the opportunity to be an English teacher. However, the scope of this study program is actually really wide. Students majoring in English Education have more work opportunities with the English proficiency that they have. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan is one of the universities providing English Education Department. The department always tries to create programs and training in order to prepare its students in the working environment. News Anchoring subject is one of the elective courses created by the department as an effort to give the students more chances to express themselves and to expose their soft skills in order to face the working environment. This subject trains students’ fluency and confidence in using English. Some students feel excited about the existence of this subject but some others do not really care about it. This paper aims to analyze the students’ perception on News Anchoring subject. Quantitative method by using questionnaires will be used to conduct this research. By conducting this research, the writers expect that students in the English Education Department will be more aware of the opportunities for their future.


English education department; news anchoring; soft skill; work opportunity

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Copyright (c) 2022 Patria Handung Jaya, Yashinta Farahsani, Ika Puspita Rini

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International Conference on Education
Kampus 4 FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Jalan Jend. Ahmad Yani, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul DIY 55191 INDONESIA
Email: ijei@fkip.uad.ac.id

e-ISSN: 2830-1498

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