Empowerment of the literacy movement in the era of society 5.0 as an effort to prevent Illiteracy in the community

Wahyu Nila Irdasari, Faradiza Salsabila


The literacy movement has become an awareness that all levels of society must increase to reconstruct the mindset of the people to keep up with the times in the 5.0 revolution era. Renewal of people's mindsets will positively impact every revolution that exists. Literacy is not just reading but also other literacy that should be improved, one of which is technological literacy. But apart from that, the community should be able to revive the literacy movement in an era that is all-technology like today and make literacy a culture so that it will not give birth to an illiterate generation in the future. Today's society is closer to technology than books, so it often hurts themselves and others. Various existing technological facilities will help the community further improve literacy so that later the community can compete and survive in the era of society 5.0. Literacy is a problem that must be faced by students and all levels of society. Literacy can be done quickly, but the encouragement of desire and literacy awareness is very difficult to implement in this current era. Through the literacy strengthening movement, it will undoubtedly influence and bring changes to the lives of each individual. The empowerment of the literacy movement in the community can be done by facilitating a complete reading garden in the community. This aims to prevent the public from being exposed to false news and information and to make the public more selective in receiving information or news from various sources.

Keywords: empowerment, literacy, society


community empowerment; literacy movement; society 5.0

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