Developing students' digital literacy through cyber-counseling in the era of society 5.0

Alivia Eka Arianti, Cucu Kurniasih, Hilda Hidayatun Nafi'ah, Caraka Putra Bhakti


In the era of society 5.0, science and technology are increasing. The development of this technology needs to be accompanied by digital literacy competence in preventing threats and dangers generated by technology. Digital literacy is critical to use technology to obtain information and communicate. This paper aims to develop students' digital literacy through cyber counseling services. The method used is a literature study by reviewing literature sources in books, proceedings articles, national and international journals related to the study variables. Cybercounseling is an innovation of guidance and counseling services by utilizing technology to implement counseling. The counseling process is conducted using electronic devices and internet networks, not face-to-face but online. Guidance and counseling aim to help students achieve optimal development in themselves. The development of students' digital literacy can be done by using cyber counseling on essential services, individual planning services, and responsive services. Examples of implementation in essential services can be developing group guidance services regarding conceptual of digital literacy. In individual planning services, practical social media skills development can be carried out. And in responsive services, counseling is carried out for students who have problems with cyberbullying.


cyber-counseling; digital literacy; society 5.0

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