Developing educational games using Lego Bricks-builder application for elementary school students to learn exponential number and character building

Giska Amalia, Alfika Triayuningtiyas, Mirsatun Khasanah, Yeti Dewi Yustini


The era of revolution 5.0 has entered the world of education and provides disruptive challenges for teachers in realizing educational goals by utilizing digital technology to improve student competence and quality. This research is motivated by the existence of mathematics learning media that is less supportive, causing difficulties for students in understanding and solving problems related to mathematical materials, especially power numbers. The purpose of this study was to build an understanding of the mathematical concept of ranked number material by using the educational game Lego on the brick maker application in order to improve students' digital characters. This research is a type of research and development research which consists of two stages. The initial stage begins with an introduction in the form of drafting an experimental design. In the second stage, the prototype is in the form of introducing the features of the brick maker application to students and connecting them with the concept of ranking numbers and making LKS in the form of questions that will be tested on students. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the application of Lego educational games based on the brick maker application can be used as a learning medium for the concept of ranking numbers. Thus, a number concept construction form is produced for elementary school students using a brick maker's application. With the use of digital technology as an effective learning media, it is hoped that it can present the character values of students.


character education, educational games; exponential number; learning media

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Copyright (c) 2022 Giska Amalia, Alfika Triayuningtiyas, Mirsatun Khasanah, Yeti Dewi Yustini

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International Conference on Education
Kampus 4 FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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