Learning media SWAY based on digital literacy: Revitalizing climate change awareness in social studies classroom

Kirana Prama Dewi


Climate Change is a human issue requiring social, technological, and scientific solutions. Revitalizing climate change awareness in social studies classrooms is a positive thing that needs to be applied. Therefore, this research describes applying learning media SWAY based on digital literacy in social studies classrooms. The design of this study was descriptive qualitative research. In its study, the subjects are students in elementary teacher education. The analysis technique used is descriptive-analytic obtained from an interview, observation, questionnaire, and documentation during the learning process. The data analysis technique used the interactive model of Miles & Huberman with the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, verification, and conclusion drawing. This study indicates that the learning media SWAY based on digital literacy is easy to understand and interactive in its presentation, gives a positive impression, and gets high enthusiasm from the students. In addition, climate change awareness can also be identified in the highly aware category. The finding implication of this study is that learning media SWAY based on digital literacy has a positive potential to be applied in social studies classrooms through the Studysaster learning model that is identification, search, plan, create, share, and Practice.


Climate Change Awareness; Digital Literacy; Learning Media SWAY; Social Studies

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