Career efficacy among Bandung high school students and implication for guidance and counseling

Dewi Melianasari Surya, Mamat Supriatna, Amin Budiamin, Amirul Hazmi Hamdan


The career development obstacle faced by students is feeling confused about choosing a study program and college to continue their education after graduating from high school. Many factors cause this difficulty, including students who do not fully understand their potential, interests, and lack of information. Individual career efficacy is essential for career choice. Career efficacy is an individual's belief that they can perform tasks related to making career decisions. Individuals with high career efficacy will succeed in making the right career decisions. Therefore, it is crucial to know career efficacy in making one's career decisions. This study aimed to produce data on career efficacy profiles of high school students. The approach is quantitative with a survey method using a career efficacy instrument. One hundred forty-five students of class XII in 24 Senior High Schools in Bandung participated in this research. The results show that in the percentage of career efficacy at SMA Negeri 24 Bandung, 15.9% of students are in the high category, 77.2% are in the medium category, and 6.2% are in a low category. Recommendations from the results of this study are the essential findings of the career efficacy development needs of high school students. Furthermore, we recommend developing a career guidance service program to develop students' career efficacy.


career efficacy; career development; career guidance

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Copyright (c) 2022 Dewi Melianasari Surya, Mamat Supriatna, Amin Budiamin, Amirul Hazmi Hamdan

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