Analyzing students’ mathematical creative thinking ability on the material of sum and difference of sine and cosine

Setiati Wulan Sari, Dwi Astuti, Sukar Sukar


This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the mathematical creative thinking ability of class XI students of SMA N 2 Bantul with research subjects of class XI MIPA 6. This study used a test instrument to measure creative thinking skills. The indicators used in students' mathematical creative thinking are fluency, flexibility, authenticity/originality, detail/elaboration, and judging. The ability to think creatively is the ability to think with the aim of generating new ideas or various answers to a question by paying attention to the number of answers and the quality of the solution. The test instrument used was in the form of 2 written questions. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative research method. With data processing techniques, namely through data tabulation, then the percentage is calculated and then interpreted. The conclusion from the results of this study shows that the creative mathematical thinking of students in class XI MIPA 6 SMA N 2 Bantul has quite creative criteria.


creative thinking ability; sum and difference of sine and cosine

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