Improving students’ responsibility and critical thinking ability through problem-based learning using student worksheet

Ika Deana Fatmawanti, Vita Istihapsari


This research aims to improve the students’ responsibility and critical thinking skills. It was a classroom action research applying problem-based learning (PBL) model assisted by student worksheet. It was carried out in four stages, namely planning, action, observing, and reflecting. This research was conducted in 2 cycles, involving 32 students of class VIIB of SMP N 1 Bantul. The success indicator of this research is 70% with high criteria. The findings of this study indicate that the level of critical thinking skills in class VIIB students is still low, as evidenced by the results of the critical thinking ability pretest in the first cycle, which is only 22% and 44% of the responsible attitude questionnaire test with high criteria, so it needs to be improved. The results of the posttest test of critical thinking skills in the first cycle after the action resulted in 56% % and 71% in the second cycle with high criteria. Meanwhile, the results of the post-test questionnaire filling in the first cycle resulted in 59% and 75% in the second cycle with high criteria. These results indicate that the PBL model assisted by student worksheet can improve the students’ critical thinking skills and responsibility in class VIIB SMPN 1 Bantul.



critical thinking ability; mathematics learning; problem-based learning; students’ responsibility

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