Students’ concept understanding ability and discipline attitude in mathematics learning

Yana Royana, Vita Istihapsari


This research was conducted based on the background of the importance of understanding concepts and student learning discipline in learning mathematics, especially in the material of quadrilaterals. Where the population in the study was taken from class VII Junior high school Bangun Rejo in the 2021/2022 academic year with a sample taken by VII.1 which consisted of 30 students. The data collection technique used a concept understanding ability test instrument in the form of a description question. As for the discipline of learning data collection techniques, namely direct communication with data collection tools such as interview guidelines and conducting field observations. The results of the research on students' understanding of the concept of 20% in the high category, 33.33% in the medium category, and 46.67% in the low category. While the results for student learning discipline are quite good, it can be seen from student learning activities that are by following the plans made by the teacher.


constructing quadrilaterals; learning discipline; understanding concepts

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International Conference on Education
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