The Effectiveness of the Family Intervention Model on Parents' Assertive Behavior on Sexual Violence

Julinda Julinda, Sri Nugroho Jati, Tuti Kurniati


The number of cases of violence that occur in children and adolescents illustrates the gradient of sexual violence and mental health in children, this affects the social, psychological and physical of children. On 2018, there were cases of sexual violence against women and children in West Kalimantan, a total of 115 cases of sexual violence out of a total of 425. Parents should increase their primary prevention efforts through assertive behavior. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of the Family Intervention Model on parental assertive behavior on sexual violence before and after the intervention. The study uses a mixed-type research design on both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. This research comprised 23 wives and 23 husbands from Kecamatan Sajingan District, and the purposive sampling technic was the sampling method. The family Intervention Model (FIM) was used as the intervention for 46 subjects. Qualitative data was collected with observations. During the research, the Parental Assertive Behavior Scale was used as means of quantitative data collection. The pre-test scale was given in the rapport-building session, and the post-test for the last session of intervention. The data has been analyzed using Wilcoxon Test. The study revealed that there is an improvement in parental assertive behavior. The Wilcoxon test showed the Z value is -5.456 with a significance value (p-value) of 0.000. The test significance value (p-value) is smaller than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05), so it was decided that there was a significant difference in parental assertive behavior after the intervention.


amily intervention model, parental assertive behavior, sexual violence

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