Attitudes towards Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Mental Health Issues within Undergraduate Psychology Students

Kathleen Rachel


Psychology curriculum provides students with a comprehensive understanding towards human mental processes and behavior. As a science-based curriculum, the necessity of evidence-based procedures in overcoming mental health issues are mandatory. In contrast, there is still non-conventional interventions used to tackle mental health issues within local communities. Complementary and alternative medicine is an approach that combines conventional medicine (complementary) or substitutes practices outside of conventional medicine (alternative). The usage of CAM has been shown in different physical issues, including psychological problems. However, there is still a gap in the effectiveness, acceptance, and awareness towards CAM. The conflicting perspectives leads to a dilemma in the attitudes towards CAM within different groups. This study aims to assess the attitudes of undergraduate psychology students towards CAM in overcoming mental health issues. Using a descriptive approach, this study utilized QACAM (Questionnaire on Attitudes towards Complementary Medical Treatment) Scale. The participants in this study consisting of undergraduate psychology students that are currently pursuing their studies in public and private universities in Indonesia. Undergraduate psychology students fully believe in conventional medicine in mental health treatment. Despite of this believe, there was a moderate to positive attitude towards complementary medicine rather than alternative medicine. There is acceptance of CAM by society over the forms and users of CAM.


complementary and alternative medicine attitudes; cultural treatment; non-conventional medicine; psychology; mental health issues

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