Case Study of Psychological Dynamics of Orphanage Children Suffering from Dysthymia

Tiara Dewi Tualeka, Faridah Ainur Rohmah


Dysthymia is a condition characterized by chronic feelings of depression that are not severe enough to be categorized as major depressive disorder, and have lasted for several years. The purpose of this research is to know the psychological dynamics of orphanage children who suffer from dysthymia. Research participants were 12-year-old girls who experienced dysthymia. The approach used in this research is qualitative with case study method. The research was conducted using non-test methods (observation and interviews) and several psychological tests. Based on the research results, it is known that the dysthymia that the participants experienced was the result of the interrelationship of various factors such as the poor quality of the relationship between parents and children, as well as the parenting style the child received.


Dysthymia, orphanage

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