Relationship between Health Knowledge and College Students’ Healthy Lifestyle in East Jakarta

Fadilah Rosa, Sri Mulyani Nasution


Students as agents of change should know about health and maintain a healthy lifestyle. In reality, many college students know about health but do not live a healthy lifestyle. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge about health and healthy living behavior among college students in East Jakarta.  The research was conducted using a quantitative approach with a correlational method using the Pearson Product Moment correlation technique. A sample of 100 college students was selected using an incidental sampling technique on students in East Jakarta. The Likert scale model was used to measure Knowledge of Health and Healthy Lifestyles. Items validity for the Health Knowledge scale has a limit of r count> 0.2565, and for the Healthy Lifestyle scale has a limit of r count> 0,256. The reliability coefficient (α) for the health knowledge scale is 0.862 out of 51 items, while for the Healthy Lifestyle scale is 0.910 out of 58 items. The results showed that the correlation coefficient between knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle is 0.620 with a significance level or a confidence level of 0.01 (1%). The findings of this research indicate that there is a relationship between knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle.


college students, health, healthy lifestyle, knowledge, knowledge of health

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