Adolescence’s Reproductive Health: The Implementation of a Psychoeducation at an Islamic Boarding School

Adina Hafidhah Amalia, Putri Ariffatin Nurcahyani, Dyah Arfanny Muslim, Andre Nugraha Wijaya, Novi Qonitatin


Adolescence is a transitional perid that is vulnerable to various problems. One of the problems related to adolescents is health problems. Health problems that need attetntion at the adolescent stage are reproductive health problem in the form of sexuality, HIV/AIDS, and drugs. This reproductive health crisis is stillhigh in Islamic boarding schools because knowledge about reproductive health is still low. The purpose of this sutdy was to see the effect of psychoeducation on adolescent reproductive health at an Islamic boarding school in semarang. This research used a quasi-experimental study with one group using a pretest-posttest design. One group includes 10 participants with an age range of 12-17 years. A comparison of the average pretest and post-test results showed a difference of 5.50 and the results of the Wilcoxons analysis test showed a significant effect (p=0.0004 <0.05). So the results of this study are in line with the government program which proposes to educate adolesncents regarding reproductive health.


adolescence, psychoeducation, reproductive health

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