Academic Resilience: The Role of Self-Esteem and Self-Regulated Learning Among Vocational Student

Dian Ekawati, Nabila Putri Azvitasya, Latifa Nur Mahmuda


Vocational High School (SMK) is a high school emphasizing students' practical capabilities and immediate work readiness. Various restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic hampered the learning process of SMK students, most of which were practical. The magnitude of these challenges shows the importance of academic resilience for students. Academic resilience is the ability to increase success in learning despite experiencing difficulties. This study examines the effect of self-esteem and self-regulated learning on academic resilience in SMK students. The self-esteem, self-regulated learning, and academic resilience scales were used as data collectors. Class X and XI of SMK students constitute the population in this study, with cluster random sampling as the sampling technique used to select research participants. 110 student was selected as a participant in this study. Multiple linear regression analysis techniques are used to examine the hypothesis. The results show that self-esteem and self-regulated learning influence vocational students' academic resilience. Further analyses were also made to measure each independent variable's contribution amount. This research can be used as a basis for compiling programs to increase academic resilience with activities that can increase students' self-esteem and self-regulated learning.


academic resilience; covid-19 pandemic; self-esteem; self-regulated learning; vocational student

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