Psychological First Aid (PFA) Training to Increase PFA Knowledge in the Community of Sompok Hamlet, Bantul Regency

Tiara Dewi Tualeka, Faridah Ainur Rohmah


Psychological first aid, or PFA, aim to reduce the negative impact of stress and prevent the emergence of worse mental health problems due to disasters or crisis situations. Sompok Hamlet is one of the residential areas with a demographic area that is prone to disasters. Limited knowledge and skills in helping, especially in terms of psychological impact, become an obstacle in assisting other people. This PFA training aims to provide participants with knowledge and skills to help others who experience psychological stress after experiencing a crisis or traumatic event such as a disaster. The training provided uses the (a) lecture and discussion method as an introduction to training for information facilities related to PFA (Psychological First Aid). (b) training in focus group discussions and role plays based on cases. Pre-test and post-test were given before and after the training to determine the participants' understanding. The training results showed a significant difference between the participants' understanding before and after obtaining information about PFA based on the analysis results on the participants' pre-test and post-test.


disaster, psychological first aid, training

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