Family Resilience in Perspective Stenberg’s Triangular Theory of Love

Linda Ariastuti, Nina Zulida Situmorang


Family harmony is a goal that every couple wants to achieve in marriage. To maintain family harmony, resilience is necessary. Family resilience is the ability generated from within individuals in the family to adjust when faced with unpleasant situations or conditions in the dynamics of family life faced by married couples. One factor that increases family resilience is the firm foundation of love in couples, analyzed from Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love. This study aims to increase family resilience using Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love with three essential components to build the foundation of harmony in the family. Research methods are literature reviews from books and journals on the research topic. The results of the review based on the literature review found that Sternberg's Love Triangular theory contributed to increasing family resilience. Three significant components that become the basis for creating family resilience are 1) Intimacy as a sense of bonding, attachment, and feeling close in a romantic relationship. These feelings are based on emotion combined with trust between two parties. 2) Passion is a strong drive to be with someone in love, which is supported by physical and sexual attraction. Moreover, 3) Commitment/Decision is the decision to love and set the desire to be forever with his life partner. The three pillars of love strengthen the couple's relationship to survive marriage.


family, resilience, sternberg's triangular theory of love

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