The Effect of Parental Support to Moral Identity on Late Adolescent in Makassar

Andi Tenri Pada Rustham, Nur Syamsu Ismail, Tabita Nazara


This study aims to determine the effect of parental support to moral identity on late adolescents in Makassar. This study used quantitative research method with correlational design. The study sample consisted of 304 late adolescents in Makassar that were selected by using purposive sampling technique. The scale used in this study were Parental Support Scale and Moral Identity Questionnaire that have been adapted by the previous researcher. Data was analyzed by using the simple linear regression analysis. The result of this study showed that there is positive significant influence of parental support to moral identity on late adolescents in Makassar. The effect of parental support to moral identity is 6.4% (R2 = 0,064; Sig = 0,000). As for the 93.6% of moral identity is affected by other factors. Therefore, increasing the parental support level will improve adolescent’s moral identity level. Based on the results of this study, parents in Makassar need to improve their support toward adolescents to build positive moral identity of adolescents.


parental support, moral identity, late adolescent

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